Monday, April 30, 2012

Honorary Consul of Bulgaria Video

Honorary Consul of Bulgaria 

in the State of Andhra Pradesh

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Honorary Consul of Bulgaria in the State of Andhra Pradesh

Appointing of Dr.Yeduguri Kiran Kumar, an Indian with a global perspective and a man with a mission, as Honorary Consul of Bulgaria in the State of Andhra Pradesh would provide impetus to the trade and cultural relations with India besides upholding and accelerating Indo-Bulgarian friendship ties, trade, commerce and tourism relationships etc.

With all his experience and expertise as a cultural ambassador to Indo-China friendship association, Dr.Kiran could organize frequent friendship tours between India and China as part of its cultural exchange program in the capacity of Chairman of Indian Association of Friendship with Foreign Countries (IAFFC) which is one of the oldest chapters at the national level.

With all his zeal, determination and extrovert natural, the Indo-Bulgarian relations may reach greater height under his able stewardship. He works 24X7, travels far and wide and meet policy makers to put across his innovative concepts. His mission will not end just by creating healthy and aesthetic townships, resorts, adventure parks and theme parks. He authors many books on fundamentals of real estate and infrastructure development. He also impacts this knowledge through various training sessions.

It can also be perceived that Dr.Kiran would help both sides actively and facilitate direct interactions between the Indian and Bulgarian businessmen and entrepreneurs that will lead to the best mutual understanding of economic and commercial opportunities in sphere of mutual interest. 

Guest : Shri C.Damodar Raja Narsimha (Honorable Deputy Chief Minister of Andhra Pradesh )  Shri. Sridhar Babu (Honorable Minister for Civil Supplies) Mr. Borislav Kostov (Ambassador of Bulgaria to India)

Thursday, May 6, 2010